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Saturday 23 June 2012

Opportunities and Distractions: The Race for the Future We Want

"I write to you, young men, because you are strong, and the word of God abides in you, and you have overcome the evil one." ~ 1 John 2 vs 13 

For one to go anywhere, he must know where he is going. Along the journey, he must not forget where he is going (very important) and he must also avoid the pitfalls that ensured that some that went before him did not arrive at their destination. 

As young people, we know exactly the kind of future we want for ourselves. Usually, it is something far much better than our past and our present put together. It is something beautifully crafted which would seem impossible considering where we are on the ladder currently. Yet we have one thing -hope and and another -the power to dream. God gives us opportunities everyday to chase our dreams and pay the price we need to pay to build the future we want. The energy we have is used in a productive way when we channel it into that noble cause of paying the price. 

Our destinies are not private. We are blessed by God to be blessings to others. So whether we arrive at our destination is not just a private matter, but something that has to do with the lives of others too.

However, the energy we have is the most destructive thing there is when we use it to experiment with distractions. We know the distractions we face as young people. Spending space to enumerate them here will be akin to taking ice to Eskimos. Yes, Satan seems to always send enough of the distractions our way.

Now, it is very depressing when we fall for the distractions. First of all, we find out that the fulfilment we expected does not come. It is not there.The truth is many cravings are overrated in the time of temptation and that is why we rush to satisfy them, but sin can never satisfy anyone. However very soon after regretting, we want to experiment with distractions again. We fall again for the same cravings. Afterall, every other person apart from us thinks these things are normal. That means we have incredible access to experiment with our cravings. Also, the cravings are sometimes very affordable so money is not the problem. We keep on trying to satisfy desires that we can never truly satisfy

The truth of the matter is that as we in our conscious naiivety go after the distractions, we continue to run in circles and though we are blessed by God in many ways, we lose opportunities to move ahead and bless others. This affects our lives greatly and the lives of those around us.

So why do we consciously run in circles? It is because we battle against principalities and powers in high places.

Nevertheless, though we have these powerful desires, we must overcome else our dreams might never be fulfilled. We have to cast down every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God and bring into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ. If we do not do this who will we blame when we fail? 

We have been blessed by God in many ways and we should celebrate him with our lives not everyday but every moment that ticks. Youth should not be a time for madness else our dreams and those of others around us will continue to linger.

1 comment:

  1. Akaniro Nneoma24 June 2012 at 15:39

    true tok! more power to ur elbow bro!
