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Monday 2 July 2012

Kharkov to China by Chop-sticks!

In Kharkov, you do not need to buy tickets to travel the world to learn about cultures. The world is already in Kharkov. At any time, there are always very many foreign nationals in the city.

Now, because of the blood that purchased men for God from every tribe, language, people and nation, I am blessed to bond every Friday with people from different parts of the world. I had my own stereotypes before coming down here, but gradually, I am beginning to see how incomplete my stereotypes were.

The Friday before the last one, we saw an amazing movie together. The movie "Grace Card" is a wonderful story of forgiveness which I will have to tell another day.  Last Friday, we went to China. We had as a special guest a Chinese lady who hosted us to Chinese food.

I had the opportunity of fumbling with chop-sticks!

Before then, I never had the opportunity of having a lengthy conversation with a Chinese. I used to think that the Chinese mindset leaned towards ignoring the world and not caring much about anything around them. I now know that though the Chinese are rarely ever in festival mood compared to Africans, they know how to start a conversation and learn a lot about you in a short while. They are very intelligent. This has been my lot in recent times -learning how incomplete my stereotypes are as I interact with my brethren from different parts of the world. I have been blessed in many ways by interacting with them.

I haven't said anything about the food. I am not sure, it is a case of saving the best for the last.
Well, the Chinese know how to season their meat and they serve you much meat too (as you can see in the picture). The meat is not spicy compared to what most Africans prepare, but it is excellent in its own way. You actually want to eat the meat as the last thing on your plate. You also do not want to drink water after eating it. You want the taste to linger on your tongue.


  1. very interesting. remember d sayin dat a young man who travels wide and mixes wt pple of different cultures is wiser dan an elderly man who just sits in d village n goes no where? Gisi ike n enjoy d experience while it lasts!

  2. It is an excellent thing to have a diversity of friends because they develop aspects of one's nature that lie dormant, thereby rendering it incomplete. I'm still grapling with the idea of a person eating with chop sticks when a spoon or fork is available but i guess you understand better now. Meanwhile you got me salivating from your description of the meat!. . .lol

  3. You had the lady as a special guest or host? Any way, that's by the way. Ur vivid explanation of how lively the chineese can be is so hard for me to come to terms with. I have temptation to say that maybe they are like that only in their home country (or is it because she is a christian?). All the eastern Asians I have met have this flux around them as if they either suffer from a terrible inferiority complex or superiority complex. Well, ur diary comes alive so much I want to spend a holiday with your church!
